A 17 Step Ready Reference Guide To Create And Maintain A Highly Successful Marketing Mindset

By Nirjara Rustom

It is said that there is very less difference in the level of effort, wisdom, understanding, and analysis between a highly successful marketer and a moderately successful one. Successful ones just take that small extra step and rise phenomenally above others. Would you like to know how they do it? Great, let’s get started!

1. Know and understand your product / service thoroughly, just like the back of your hand. Unless you do this, you will never give justice to your sales pitch and other marketing efforts.

2. Identify your product’s USP. If you don’t have one, create one (there are specific steps in doing this which you will find in some of my other articles). Further, let your USP be the key message communicated in everything you do.

3. Understand who your potential clients are, and where they can be found. Then target them. Trying to get your message to too many people will waste your resources in lead generation. Don’t think the whole world is your market, even if your mother said so. Narrow your immediate target to the “most potential” clients. Measure your conversions and then take it from there.

4. Be enthusiastic. This is crucial. If you’re not excited about your product or service, your potential clients won’t be interested. Enthusiasm is contagious and the energy generated has the power to lift the spirits of your prospect in a positive manner. The most important thing is to smile always; it increases your face value. Keep smiling, but don’t smile like an idiot, smile appropriately.

5. Don’t be discouraged when a sale is lost. Logically analyze why you lost it and keep that in mind before your next marketing presentation. Use a failure to learn something constructive, don’t give up!

6. Remove the word “customer” from your marketing dictionary and use the word “client”. Customers are people or businesses who buy products or services from you. Clients are people “under your protection”. Take care of your clients and make them feel special by helping them buy.

7. The capability to put oneself in the client’s shoes and try to understand their needs, possible objections, etc is also a major skill you should learn, that will go a long way in your marketing career.


8. Understand your competition. Be knowledgeable of a comparison with your product / service. When the issue comes up, don’t try to attack the competition. Show them how your offer is better. Most people will either attack the competition or shrug their shoulders and act as if they don’t know who this company is.

9. Learn the skills of methodical probing (customized to the product / service you’re selling) to uncover needs. Know when to use open ended probes and when to use close ended ones.

10. Learn how to support the client needs with product benefits. Concentrate on the benefits – what pain does your product / service relieve? What pleasure does it give?

Benefits appeal to Emotions.

Features appeal to Logic.

Logic justifies Emotions, which drive Sales.

11. Learn and implement the psychological tactics that trigger sales. Some of them are: curiosity, story telling, social proof, fear, authority, etc. I cover this subject in more detail in some of my other articles which can be found at http://www.bharatbhasha.com/author.php/Nirjara%20Rustom

12. Don’t be afraid of / feel shy about closing the sale. Be confident in asking for the order / commitment once your potential client has shown an inclination by giving out necessary signals (yes, this means that you need to learn how to analyze these “signals”, also covered in one of my other articles).

13. Remember – Honest is the best policy. It is and will always remain true for long term success. Be it sales, or anything else in life.

14. Ask for referrals! Satisfied clients can be your best lead generators. Don’t depend upon their memory to remember you when someone they know needs your service. Keep yourself in their vision so they don’t forget you.

15. Sell something more to your existing clients! They already know you and trust you, so if they’re satisfied, they’ll buy more! Don’t try to sell a car to a client who has just bought one from you (obviously). Sell them accessories, car insurance, etc… something that they want immediately. Understand and identify upsells and downsells related to your product / service and see how you can provide these, too.

16. Try to figure out the right opportunity (time, situation, etc) when your client’s buying mode is switched on. Stock exchange doing very well? Follow up your clients (who are brokers) if they need (want? wish?) to buy more of your products /upgrade them. Selling products to pregnant women? Know the “right time” to follow up to sell your baby care products. You get the point…

17. Use integration marketing and seek out Joint Venture partners to work out mutually beneficial deals. This is the only way you can make money off other people’s lists and efforts without any investment. Check out my other articles if you wish to learn more on this subject.

Finally, remember the 4 prong formula – AIDA. It stands for:

Attention – Interest – Desire – Action.

Grab the attention, stimulate and maintain the interest, invoke sufficient desire for your product / service and finally make a call to action – how to order now!

I wish you good luck in your marketing.

About the Author: Nirjara Rustom moderates the

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