By Jacqueline Star
Soon the winter season will be arriving and night time will approach even faster. Depending on your location, you might even be facing snow, rain and possible storms. Take the time to make sure your vehicle is in proper order before it gets even colder and darker. Having your car in excellent shape can prevent it from breaking down in the middle of the road in treacherous weather conditions.
Winter time means that it will get dark even earlier and for many of us, that translates to driving to work in the mornings in the dark. Now is the time to make sure your headlights and brake lights are in working order. Two ways exist of taking care of this vital issue. The first way is through the assistance of another individual such as a friend or family member. Sit in the car and have your friend stand in front of the auto. Turn on your headlights and have your friend or spotter check if the lights are in working order. Next turn on your high beams and have your spotter check. Then turn on your left turn signal and then your right turn signal. Have you spotter tell you if there is anything that is out of the ordinary or not working like it is supposed to.
Have the individual stand towards the back of your car and turn on the headlights again. The lights at the back of your vehicle, the tail lights, should work. Then press on your brakes. The brake lights should come on. Repeat the test for your turn signals. Finally with your parking brake on, put your car in reverse and make sure the white lights (meaning reverse) are working.
If there is no one close by to assist you with these tests, you can conduct these same tests yourself by parking your car in a dark garage or near a large wall. You may have to test the front first and then reverse your vehicle to test the rear lights.
It is also crucial to check your wiper blades. Purchase new ones if there are any signs of wear or cracking. Lift the hood and check your wiper fluid. Then turn on your wipers and ensure that it cleans your windshield completely. Having a dirty windshield prevents you from having a clear look at the road ahead and could possibly lead to accidents; clear visibility is imperative.
Also inspect your radiator fluid as well as brake and power steering fluids to make sure there is plenty left. Be on the lookout for any tubes which appear worn out and cracked or leaks and bring these to the attention of your mechanic. If you are a do it yourself mechanic you probably already maintain your auto quite regularly. One tip is to use daylight savings time as a yearly reminder to make sure the car is safe and in good shape no matter what season it is.
Here are a few more additional items that you might want to look into. Open your trunk and look closely at the spare tire. Make sure it is filled up properly and the pressure is correct. Also make sure you have a jack that is working correctly and that all of the parts are present. A roadside safety kit is another tool to have on hand in case of emergency. Important items to include are a good flashlight, jumper cables, road flares or a safety triangle and a blanket. Don’t forget the batteries for the flashlight. The blanket serves two purposes. One if you are stranded you can stay warm and two if you need to change a flat and you are wearing a nice outfit, you can lay the blanket down to keep your clothes looking pristine.
Winter can provide for more dangerous driving conditions due to snow and rain but you can make the best of it by being fully prepared and having your car checked out on a frequent basis.
About the Author: Written by Jacqueline Star:
Honda Atlanta
Toyota San Francisco
Honda Los Angeles
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