Irresistible Greeting Cards That Convey Strong Messages

By Robert Johnston

Every year, companies, whether small or Fortune 500, spend as much time promoting in addition to running their business. Its true. Marketing is a significant part of having a business that much time, effort and resources are dedicated to it. Whether youre introducing your newly created company or promoting via print greeting cards to keep loyal customers, marketing your business is crucial to your business life.

And Im very sure that you and your company have used custom greeting cards to send good wishes to your customers during the holidays. In fact, Im very sure that you had print greeting cards to reach out to them on Valentines day.

More than to express ones feelings and thoughts, print greeting cards have become more than just a card to convey a personal message. It has evolved to become one of the most effective marketing tools to have in any business.

So why do you spend a lot of time printing greeting cards and you still have yet to experience the benefits of a successful campaign? If its so effective, why dont you have the ROIs you were expecting from your collaterals?


The reason is that youre not investing enough to create irresistible custom greeting cards to change the outcome of your campaign. You need irresistible greeting cards to make your message stick to the minds of your target clients. In order to do so, you need the following ingredients to cook up an effective collateral:

An irresistible message. Do you have an irresistible message? One that your clients and prospects recognize and remember every time they see your name? One way to have an unforgettable message is to provide them something of value. When you give value to your target clients, you get value in return. Quid pro quo.

A message that provides benefits and solutions to their key problems is a sure bet when it comes to getting your clients interested in what you have to say. Start from your headline and end with a compelling call-to-action.

With irresistible benefits. You would surely want them to spend as much time with your collateral as possible. To get your target clients to spend time on your collateral, you need to give them what they want the benefits. What do they get when they read your message? The more time they spend reading your benefits, the easier it is for you to convince them of your worth.

An irresistible color. An irresistible contrast. Custom greeting cards that have colors and contrast that are irresistible can help you get more time with your target clients. To attract them to your ad, remember to have well-balanced combination of both your color and contrast to attract their attention. Again, the more time they spend on your collateral, the better it is for you to relay your information.

An irresistible size and shape. When you need to stand out, you have to have collaterals that are different from the standard. You can always go for bigger ads and totally different shape. Instead of the usual rectangular form, you can add spice to your custom greeting cards by using a shape that best represents your business. You can go crazy with your design! All you need is your imagination and you can have the best greeting card to represent you and your business.

A totally different ad campaign from the one you have is the first step to reviving your marketing outcome. Be sure to have irresistible ads so you can attract as many clients to your business to increase your ROIs.

About the Author: The author is affiliated with a company that offer


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