Bottle Water Debate

Bottle Water Debate


Jennifer Page

Its high time to throw those plastic bottles and start using environment friendly Stainless Steel bottles. Refill and reuse these vibrant sports bottles and you’ll stay hydrated & happy.


The process of producing and selling bottled water harms the environment. Instead of buying bottled water and disposing of the bottle, which can cause environmental hazards, you can switch to a reusable bottle that can be filled up at home. Before buying a reusable bottle, always go for Stainless sports bottles, these are environment friendly and also can be reused. Disposable Water Bottles are bad for the Environment Bottled water may seem cheap for the consumer, but its environmental cost is much higher. Plastic bottles not only pollute the environment after being thrown away, but they also create toxic gases and also are also energy intensive to produce. All pointing toward the negativity of usage and environmental hazards. Bisphenol A, A Potentially Harmful Chemical Found in Plastic Bottles. Bisphenol A, more commonly known as BPA, is found in polycarbonate, a type of plastic used in some types of plastic bottles. BPA can leak from the plastic bottle when the bottle is warm or if there is a crack in the bottle. Numerous studies have been done to determine the health effects of ingesting BPA. Bisphenol A can cause any disease because there is no evidence proving that BPA has directly caused those health problems. Many countries have banned the usage of Plastic bottles and have encouraged the use of stainless steel bottles which are reusable and environmental friendly. Stainless steel bottles and Aluminum Bottles are Alternatives to Plastic Bottles Purchasing a reusable water bottle rather than buying disposable water bottles is an environmentally friendly option and could be better for your health. Plastic bottles that have a “7” on the bottom mean the bottle is made of polycarbonate that can leak BPA. Stainless steel bottles and Aluminum water bottles is a better alternative to plastic bottles. Even though BPA has not been conclusively proven to cause health problems, buying a non-toxic reusable bottle and filling it up with water from the tap or a home filter is a smart choice for the environment and is cheaper in the long-run than buying bottled water. By this you save your hard earned money as well as your mother nature. Stainless steel bottle are a smart choice. Since using plastic water bottle is necessary to dispense water portably in various areas, so there is an urgent requirement for some alternative. The best part of the conclusion derived at last is that we are in need of a technology which can be reused and also which is environmental friendly. Hence came in the stainless steel bottles, which are used in packaged drinking water solutions. It on the other hand increases the cost of production but for a greener solution we have to bear with this and also you can save upon in many other ways by using them, for example the medical bills.


sports bottles

are a great way to market your business too as they are reusable items. This is another alternative to

bottled water


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