Good Web Design Must Be Profitable
Amanda Jhonson
Good web design is not a luxury. Today it s a necessity. Everyday the quantity of web sites grows and the requirements for modern web design become higher. If a user sees a poorly made web site today, he would mostly often leave it. In this article we will tell you about the main aims of web designs and will give you advice how to achieve them.
What web design must do?
4.Attract attention
Good web design would not let your message get lost in millions of others. To be competitive, you first of all, must be noticed. Looking at the most popular web site, you can see that they have something in common: professional web design. If you want your site to be effective and attract clients, you should order professional but
affordable web design
. Your web site is a face of your company and it must be worthy.
5.Your site should be unlike others
Good web design always ensures the recognizability of your web site. Remember that brand recognizability always gives a lot of profit. Individuality of your web site can be emphasized by original lay-out or color decision. The style of the site can be conservative, up-to-date, romantic. But the interface should be the same on all pages of your web site. Firstly, it will give the users a possibility to find needed information easily and secondly, pages with the same lay-out are better perceived by most of users. The recognizability of your web site will become an important argument in a struggle with competitors and will help you to attract more new clients. If you want your site to be successful, it s better to hire a
Web Development Company
, than your web design will be really unique and individual.
6.Good web design gives users full information
Looking at the pages of your site the user will immediately have an impression about the importance of your content. Effective web design always emphasizes the importance of your message. For a good web design convenience of reading is very important. If the types, colors, frames and graphics are rightly chosen, the users would be impressed and interested. Avoid using one and the same type on the whole page as well as a big number of small graphic details. It will tell the users about author s unprofessionalism. Remember that unprofessional low quality web design distract most of the users from you web site. Here are the main must not:
6.Animation. Big animation pictures, extremely bright and shining animation will make a lot of user leave your site immediately.
7.Too big pictures. They weight a lot and because of heavy graphics your site will be loading too long. Most of the users won t wait more than ten seconds.
8.Long texts. It s better to divide your text, because users don t like scrolling
9.Background. Bright or dark background makes the reading difficult. Try to use classic variant: black text on white or at least light background.
10.Pop-up windows. They annoy all the users and are thought to be a violation of Internet etiquette. If there are many such windows on your web site, users will leave it immediately.
These are mistakes that are made most often. On the whole, to create high quality effective web site, you will surely need professional web design. If you hire
Web Design Company
, professional designers will help you to avoid mistakes in creating you site and will make it look great and attract a lot of clients. Remember, good web design is your investment in your future!
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